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Ready to Grow Your Land Business?

Get the Blueprint to Systemize, Automate and Scale!

(all without being a tech whiz 😉)

In Just 3 Days

Join The Challenge Now For A One Time Discounted Payment Of $249 Only $30! 

Challenge starts in:


Challenge Accepted? Get these Books!

Only Available Here

Insights From Over 50 Investors

So much knowledge has been dropped on our Land Investing Business Secrets podcast over the years, we put all the key takeaways in one place.

Boost Retention by 34%

A Workbook That Turns Into a Playbook

We cover a lot of ground in the Challenge, we designed this workbook to make it easy to take & organize your notes because writing is proven to increase remembering.

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Check all the questions where your answer is YES!

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If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above,
THIS Challenge Is For You

Whether you’ve just gotten started or need some direction in running your land business, confidence comes from concrete, repeatable and systemized processes; NOT going with your gut.

What if you could:

  • ​Get on the path to 10x growth
  • ​Put your land business on autopilot​​​
  • Outsource all the​ tasks you don't want to do
  • ​​Automate away all of​ your​ time consuming tasks
  • Ensure critical processes are getting done without you
  • ​Focus only on what you enjoy doing within your business


Use the H.A.C.K Framework to build a system- and process-driven business


Days of

Check out the roadmap of the real wins you’ll end each 75 minute session with:

Day 1: Systemize for Consistent Leads

🎯 Create a repeatable system to keep your marketing running and leads flowing effortlessly.​

Scaling a land business starts with creating a repeatable, efficient marketing system. In Day 1, you’ll learn how to organize and launch campaigns that consistently attract property owners, laying the foundation for predictable growth.​

  • Organize properties & campaigns for clarity and efficiency.
  • Launch through repeatable marketing channels
  • Build a foundation for consistent, scalable growth.
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Day 2: Master Lead Flow

🚀Take control of your leads with a system that keeps you consistent, organized, and ready to scale.

Managing leads effectively is the key to scaling your land business. On Day 2, we’ll break down how to stay on top of lead tracking, streamline follow-ups, and make quick, informed decisions with due diligence. You’ll walk away with strategies to engage property owners, systemize your lead flow, and create a process that keeps your business growing smoothly.

  • Stay consistent with lead tracking and follow-ups that never fall through the cracks.
  • Simplify due diligence to quickly evaluate leads and properties.
  • Create a repeatable process to manage inflow and scale with ease.
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Day 3: Keep Momentum to Grow

🔗 Build systems that grow with you—scale effortlessly with repeatable processes and automation

Scaling a land business requires more than hard work; it takes smart, repeatable systems. On Day 3, you’ll learn how to create processes that drive sustained growth, leverage automation to save time, and explore the role of AI in shaping the future of your business. With these strategies, you’ll reduce manual effort, prevent burnout, and set your business up for long-term success.

  • Create repeatable processes that sustain growth and save time.
  • Leverage automation and AI to scale efficiently and stay ahead.
  • Build systems that free you from the grind and prevent burnout.
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In days you'll have a land business
that’s primed to scale by 10x.

The cost for guiding you through building a real, rock solid foundation for your business, step-by-step?

Just $249 $30.


Hear what other #DirtHackers have said:

Jean Austin

Land Investor

Nick Ellenburg

Land Investor

J Berkenkamp

Land Investor

Joey Roberts

Land Investor

Joell Pascua

Land Investor

Mitch Parker

Land Investor

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What's inside the challenge?

  • ​3 Days of LIVE Coaching With Jessey ............................................... $445
  • ​LIVE Facilitator and Coaches During the Challenges! ...................... $150
  • ​LIVE Land Investing Expert Guest Speakers ..................................... $150
  • ​Access to 2 EXCLUSIVE Books ........................................................... $50
  • ​FREE! ​PEBBLE EXTENDED TRIAL ....................................................... $249

Total value: $1044

What you pay:

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This challenge is NOT designed to teach you a land investing strategy.

This challenge is designed to help you hack away what's slowing you down
and build a one-of-a-kind system to suit your personal land investing strategy.

This challenge is NOT a blanket, one-size-fits-all system.

Each land business is unique so the system and
all the processes we help you design and build will suit YOU.

Let’s get hackin'!
It all starts
October 9.

So how about it?

You’re only 5 days (and far less than the cost of a tank of gas) away from having a system that can 3x your productivity – at least.

And the best thing?

After taking less than 1 week to build an evergreen lead capture machine, it’s possible to eventually see 10x growth in your business by continuing to optimize that system.

Once you decide you’re in, you’ll immediately get a welcome guide to prep you for the challenge.

Nothing wild, just a few things to get you pumped:

  • ​​The roadmap – which we outlined above​ 😊
  • Access to our 5 & 6 figure flippers Facebook and Slack groups
  • ​A little video like the one up top to welcome you again and tell you exactly what to expect
  • ​​A short exercise to figure out your why – it’s important for everything in life, not just land investing, so if you can start your journey with a strong, crystal clear why, it really helps things fall into place)

Easy peasy 👌

Systemize. Organize. Capitalize.

3 days of guided, hands-on training from veteran land investors and system-building specialists

A message from your instructor

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Jessey Kwong

Co-founder of Pebble

Full transparency, I helped myself first.

I got into landing investing for the same reason you did, an AMAZING and largely untapped opportunity to build financial freedom and buy back my time to do more of things I love, like spending more time with the family.

At first it was pretty easy and it didn’t matter that the operations I was running were a total mess.

Looking back at it, it looked more like a 'casual hobby'.

No systems. No processes. Lots of Excel spreadsheets. Certainly no automations.

...But then it happened...

Everyone and their grandmother heard about land investing and margins magically started to shrink - and fast.

My system became the differentiator and the moneymaker.

I tinkered, experimented and hacked away at the process, eventually building Pebble with the aim of making system-building for land investors SIMPLE.

No crazy tech knowledge required.

The goal isn’t just to buy and sell land haphazardly – or to teach you land investing – it’s to help you create processes that can 10x your efficiency, growth and deal flow even as competition gets stiffer.

Of course, success has as much to do with strategy as it does systemizing, but optimizing your processes gives you another major benefit, the ability to...

...Buy back 50% of your time (or more!)

Because repeatable systems create efficiency, giving you back the time to focus your attention on what really matters in your land business.

The beauty is that anyone can build and fine-tune the systems to jet fuel their land business.

I get it though, building and learning a new machine sounds scary and overwhelming. It can be frustrating to abandon your current system that "works" despite its flaws and limitations and jump into a rebuilding journey chock full of things you may not be familiar with.

I've been there before. Remember that greatness and all the things you crave are on the other side of that fear.

Give me 3 days (and just 1 hour a day!) and I’ll give you clarity on how to build your land business and show you how to continue systemizing and scaling it - all without tons of tech.

This IS for you if:

  • ​​​You're an active Land Investor
  • ​You're a Land Investor with a strategy
  • ​You are actively marketing for properties​

This is NOT for you if:

  • ​​You're brand new to land investing
  • ​​You do not want to scale their business
  • You're looking for a land investing strategy

Grab your spot for
just $30!


Dirt Hacker Growth Workbook

We’d call it a workbook but once you fill this puppy in, it becomes your playbook for scaling


The worksheets show the thought process behind your system.

Through the course of the 3-day Dirt Hacker Challenge, these worksheets will be where you document the how and why of everything you’re hacking and building so you can refer back to it whenever needed.

They're the foundation for growing your business.

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What’s in the Workbook?

  • ​Exercises to Find Your Why – Your Big Why likely isn’t on the surface level, these help you find it
  • Task Automation Guide – ID which tasks to automate and complete the Zapier Mapper worksheet
  • Process Building Manual – Spell out processes step-by-step to truly understand what they entail
  • SOP Building Tools – Craft standard operating procedures (SOPs) aka  playbooks, for each process


Learn directly from trusted names in the industry

We’ve featured many of the top land investors out there on our podcast…and we’re bringing some of them into the challenge!

Discover the tips, tactics and secrets that have propelled them to the top. It's an unparalleled opportunity to soak in knowledge, refine your approach and fast track your success. Don't miss the chance to be guided by some of the best in the business!

The #DirtHackerChallenge will help you:

  • ​Boost your productivity
  • Put your business on autopilot
  • ​Get out of day-to-day operations and busywork
  • ​Hire the best person for the job when the time comes
  • ​Buy back time so you can focus on tasks that create value
  • And perhaps most importantly, massively improve your confidence​​
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Once you have a reliable workflow - one with automated tasks, crystal clear processes and a defined pathway for hiring - what’s next?

L A U N C H 🚀

The next step is launching into the new era of your land investing journey with confidence.

Where you're working on your business, not in your business.

Not bad for less than a week’s work, amiright?

Why now?

Why NOT now?

You already started the land investing journey;
NOW is the time to really shape it.

Time to get out of your way and
into the driver seat of your land business.

Seize the opportunity, take the leap.

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So, are you ready to 10x your growth?

In just 3 days, we'll help you get systemized and organized so you can capitalize and grow.

What's the payoff?

  • Build a better life for yourself and your family?
  • ​Live life on your own terms?
  • ​​Replace your 9-5?

The payoff is whatever you decide but having a scalable and efficient system will give you the confidence to get there faster.

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We seek to break and rebuild what we recognize as un-scalable. We embrace and leverage technology and processes to reclaim our freedom in our business - and to build a different kind of land business.

© 2025 Pebble REI Inc - All rights reserved